It is recommended that you choose a leading MOT garage in Hazel Grove when it is time for your vehicle’s annual MOT test. The reason for this is that a garage must have the right accreditations to provide the MOT test. The garage has the trained and certified MOT testers, appropriate premises, as well as DVSA approved MOT Testing equipment. In addition, a Level 2 in MOT Testing and a Level 3 in MOT Test centre management is also a requirement. Once the garage has its application approved by the DVSA, it must remain compliant and follow the stipulated procedures. The DVSA regularly inspects the garage to ensure this is taking place.
For vehicle owners in Hazel Grove, our MOT garage meets all requirements. As an independent service and repair centre, with many years of experience, we are the ideal MOT garage for your vehicle. The MOT testing is an annual requirement for all vehicles that are three years and older. The purpose of the MOT test is to ensure that your vehicle meets the minimum set road safety and environmental standards. Our garage offers Class 4, 5 and 7 MOT testing. This means that if you own a car, motor caravan or small goods vehicle, we can provide the MOT test. However, a class 7 MOT is conducted on commercial goods vehicles that carry between 3,000 kg and 3,500 kg in weight. Class 5 MOT testing is for private motor vehicles with 13 or more seats, playbuses, and ambulances.
Our MOT garage in Hazel Grove has the necessary equipment, testers, and premises to provide expert MOT testing. Furthermore, to make it easier for our customers, we offer a handy online booking system. Our live, 24/7 interactive booking system is ideal to find the best date and time for your vehicle’s upcoming MOT test. Or, if you prefer, you are welcome to contact our MOT garage. If your vehicle fails the MOT test, we can assist with repairs to the components that did not meet the requirements. However, we will first provide a quote for the repair work. Thereafter, you can retake the MOT test, free of charge.
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